a membership co-operative of theatre artists
Polaris north membership
How to become a Member of Polaris North
We are a unique organization in that we purposely do not have an Artistic Director. Each member becomes the Artistic Director for their own project and takes on the responsibility for the work involved for whatever project that member wishes to do.
While you may join as an actor, playwright or director, you may use our resources to test, develop and expand any of your skills and talents.
How to join:
ACTORS must audition for the Board of Directors in order to be offered a membership. Acting in a performance at Polaris North may constitute an audition and a formal audition may be waived by a vote of the Board. Auditions are held before each monthly Board of Directors meeting. You can find the next meeting at our Events Page.
PLAYWRIGHTS may participate by bringing reading selections to the Monday night Playwrights Group twice in order to become acquainted with the group and vice versa. After the two meetings, the applicant must apply for membership or no longer participate in the group. At the second of the two meetings, members present will vote on whether to invite the applicant to join the group. You can find the next Playwrights Group meeting at our Events Page.
DIRECTORS may apply to the Board of Directors for an interview or may attend two meetings of the Playwrights Group to be considered. Decisions of the Playwrights Group will be based on comments and participation during those two meetings. To find the next Board of Directors meeting or Playwrights Group meeting, check our Events Page.
Once you are accepted into Polaris North you may participate in activities in any of the membership categories.
Benefits of Membership
Where members can access our:
Black-Box 50-seat Performance Studio
Twice Monthly Actors' Workshops
Twice Monthly Playwrights' Workshops
Monthly Workshops with Industry Casting Professionals
Rehearsal Space to work on Projects
Performance Workshops - be seen by friends, colleagues, and industry professionals!